Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An interesting observation I saw.

"Why is a 15 year old allowed to be tried as an adult for a crime but is not considered adult enough to consent to sexual activity?"

If we're to consider that age too young to consent as an adult, than why allow them any of the rights or restrictions an adult is given? Can you punish a minor as an adult if the crime they commit is centered around their inability to consent as one?

Furthermore. . .

"Why can children of all ages be forced into paying sales tax, but gain no representation/voting rights from their taxation?"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

An Observation or two

Why is it acceptable to call someone a "dick" or a "cock" but calling someone a "cunt" or "vagina" or "pussy" is a sin against man? I'm all for reclaiming the three latter, in a sense, but I smell a double standard.

Observation two:: The Tron soundtrack was made for playing Global Agenda.

Thought I'd end it on a light note.